Tuesday 12 April 2011

Better do Green

This is a short article written by a friend of ours from Latvia, Dace Jece whom we have met on an exchange. Dace lives a very eco-centric and sustainable lifestyle because of her strong love for the environment better known as deep ecology. In this article she points some interesting ways of living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. On her website Dace goes into loads more detail and explains various interesting and fun ways of being a better greenie. Check it out at http://better-do-green.info.

Naturally, the hints and tips listed below are Dace's views and opinions, which might diverge from those of Greenhouse and it's members; nonetheless it is an interesting read and her website is full of good advice and an interesting perspective.

Rethink your current choices and try changing one thing a day/week/month. Doing something green is better than doing nothing. We all can be difference makers and workers for truly greener future


Everybody knows something about green, sustainable living and carbon footprint. We are educated how to save energy by changing light bulbs, insulating our homes, choose public transport instead of driving own car. Many as well know how their diet choices impact the sustainability. Meat eating is linked with environmental destruction as livestock produces greenhouse gas and also contributes to water depletion.

There are few other less known green essentials:

  1. Organic agriculture leads to more yields. Organic agriculture protects soil, does not pollute water and ensures biodiversity. Opt for organic food.

  2. Minimizing or stopping use of alcohol and cigarettes saves a lot of grains, plants and fruits being used in their production. It gives more land to grow food for people, it can give access to land for starving, poor communities in the third world countries where big corporations have deals with governments to use the land, and from these deals only few are benefiting (corporation owners and bribed government officials).

  3. Going medical drug free or using them only in true necessity, saves not only your long term health but also tap water. Tap water cannot be completely cleaned from second-hand drug residues. Sewage water also goes into rivers and oceans polluting marine life. Most drugs are also produced by experimenting on animals; supporting suffering is neither green nor human.

  4. Daily hazardous chemicals found in personal care products, cosmetics, cleaning household products, packaging, medicines, food, clothes, building materials greatly pollutes not only your body system but also the environment. There are green choices and alternatives available.

  5. Use of chemical hormone contraception contaminates drinking water (see 3), condoms increase the daily waste. Learn on nontoxic and natural contraception.

  6. Putting the food scraps together with other rubbish wastes possible nutrient soil that can be created from that. Find a way to compost. If you live in a flat, find friends, relatives to donate your compost or a farmer in the market who is willing to take it. When composting you are actually growing soil!
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This is not an exclusive list however it is smart to start by setting reasonable, doable goals for yourself. Rethink your current choices and try changing one thing a day/week/month. Doing something green is better than doing nothing. We all can be difference makers and workers for truly greener future.

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