Monday, 5 April 2010

Young Entrepreneurs and their green credentials

Early in the morning before the start of a very long day Malcolm and I visited what was an exhibition of ‘Young Enterprise’ business ideas and their implementation. Keen to discover how teenagers take into consideration the environmental aspect of a business venture when taking such an entrepreneurial task we approached each stand to give ourselves a clearer picture by engaging with the entrepreneurs themselves.

Here I will try to explain the prime products which had what we often call ‘green’ credentials.

The Multiplat

A product purely made out of recycled glass. The idea is simple. Turn your wine bottle into a platter or a decoration by ‘flattening it out’. Instead of feeding the product into our waste stream, the company reengineers the bottle to serve another day on our tables. The idea is simple and catchy whilst also visionary in the way our own waste is also reintroduced even to the table where we dine.


Merging a number of waste materials together might be the best way to be innovative in your approach towards reusing waste. Here the young enterprise ‘GLAZED’ mixed two main materials namely wine boxes and old sheets. After giving shape to the wood pieces based on the client’s needs the cloth is wrapped around it and glazed thereby making it durable and even customised as no one piece of cloth is identical to the other. The idea is creative and the end product can be customised to the clients need.


Looking at the company Koncentrik this made use of Ice Tea bottle caps and turned them into earphones rollers/containers. These are cylindrical covers for ones earphones and are made from two Ice tea caps screwed together. When not making use of your earphones these can be easily rolled into the Ice Tea container which is just pocket size. All materials are from waste sources and this is yet another example of inventive use of waste material by the young entrepreneurs present at the fair.


Following the numerous forestation projects which tend to be mainly characterised by olive tree planting which by-product can be used from these trees which can easily be found in bulk? Eco-log is a form of ‘firewood’ so to speak which is made of the olive residue in the olive oil production processes. It has a higher calorific value than the regular firewood due to its oil contents and it’s easier to start up. The product itself is new and quite fresh to the market. It is unaltered from any chemical additives to help its combustion as it is purely the result of considerable pressure on the by-product.

These are just some discoveries of how even waste can be remodelled to serve once again before it is recycled or treated.

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