The Circus Animal Rights Coalition would like to hereby express its reactions to the statements voiced by JS Productions (the organisers of the animal circus) and from the Animal Welfare Director which were reported yesterday on the media.
The coalition states that: “Whilst acknowledging the fact as a profit making private company, JS Productions is interested solely and purely in its money making industry, rather than the rights and welfare of animals, we are deeply and particularly disappointed by the comments made by the Animal Welfare Directorate, who stated that the use of wild animals in circus does not constitute animal cruelty. The Coalition surely did not expect such a shallow interpretation of animal rights and welfare to come from the main national entity which is supposed to safeguard the welfare of animals.
It is clearly the case that Dr. Spiteri has decided to make a very shallow and mistaken comparison between the life of domestic animals, such as cats and dogs and that of wild animals which are utilised in circuses. The Circus Animal Rights Coalition would like to reiterate its position that; yes, it totally goes against the basic nature and instincts of wild animals, like tigers, elephants and alligators, to be kept for their whole lives forced to perform in circuses solely for human’s ‘entertainment’ purposes, especially since such animals are often forced to learn ‘tricks’, through punitive treatment such as electric shocks and beatings. Furthermore, the Coalition would like to reinstate that; yes, it is totally inhumane and cruel for such wild animals to have to endure such long distance travelling to the performance destination enclosed in minute containers and forced to spend their whole lives captive inside small cages. All this means that, even if the conditions inside the circus are acceptable, the fact remains that keeping wild animals captive and forced to perform in stressful situation results in psychological and physical torture leading to cruel and abusive treatment.
This issue is all the more worrying, since Circo Fantasy, the circus presently visiting Malta, has already been accused of animal cruelty in Italy, so much so, that its animals were seized by the Italian authorities after reports of animal cruelty. (follow this link:
Furthermore the Coalition states that, “we are also deeply concerned by Dr. Spiteri’s statement that the call for the banning of such circuses by animal welfare NGOs is a double standard. In this regard, the coalition states that: “While we, as organisations which honestly care for animal welfare, through dedicating a lot of personal resources and sacrifices have nothing to gain personally from our campaign against the animal circus, those bringing this circus are doing it for money and their personal profits. Furthermore, we are highly baffled by the position taken by the Animal Welfare Directorate, especially since months ago, the Coalition had sent Dr. Spiteri an official communication delineating our main concerns on the animal circus, however not even an acknowledgement of this communication, let alone an official position was sent from his office to the Coalition.”
The coalition is also reminding the public about the symbolic demonstration for animal rights to be held on Thursday 10th December. In view of this; “The coalition is therefore urging all those who have at heart animal rights to attend the walk against animal circus to be held on Thursday. It will start at 6:00pm from City Gate, Valletta. We will then walk to Blata l-Bajda, where the circus is stationed.”
Mary Grace Vella
f/Circus Animal Rights Coalition: Moviment Graffitti Animal Rights Group, Ananda Marga, Association for Abandoned Animals, Island Sanctuary, Cetfree, Greenhouse, Alternattiva Demokratika Zaghzagh, SOS Animals, St. Francis D’Assisi Foundation, Nature Trust, SPCA (Malta), Centru Tbexbix, Stray Animal Support Group, Street Cat Rescue, Share Malta, Noah’s Arc, National Cat Society, International Animal Rescue and World Animal Conscience
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